Pure breeds and rainbow ranges are available every week, hatching every Tuesday.
Minimum of 3 - 5 chicks for welfare reasons
You can come and choose chicks from our farm shop.
Pure breed cream legbar pullets $50 each
Pure breed wheaten marans,
unsexed, $25 each
Pure breed andalusian (blue, splash & black) Unsexed, $25 each
Pure breed double lace barnevelder,
Unsexed, $25 each
Just for fun standard coloured egg range,
Unsexed, $20 each
Just for fun standard olive egg range, Unsexed, $20 each
Just for fun mini rainbow coloured egg range, Unsexed, $20 each
Just for fun standard coloured egg range,
Unsexed, $30 each
Just for fun mini rainbow coloured egg range, Unsexed, $30 each
Pure Breed Andalusian.
(blue, splash & black)
Unsexed, $30 each
Just for fun standard coloured egg range,
Unsexed, $25 each
Just for fun mini rainbow coloured egg range, Unsexed, $25 each
Just for fun standard coloured egg range,
Unsexed, $35 each
Just for fun standard pink egg range,
Unsexed, $35 each
Just for fun mini rainbow coloured egg range, Unsexed, $35 each
Tuesdays - 10am -12noon
Saturdays 10am - 12noon
Other times and days are also available by appointment.
Collection is from our Narre Warren North farm shop.
You are able to view and choose your chicks from our brooders and pay on collection.
Feel free to bring a new, clean, small cardboard box or new, clean small animal carrier, but we also have boxes here for the chicks to go home in.
NO plastic containers unless they are specifically made for animal transport.
NO bedding from your chicken pen
NO dirty or used pet carriers
NO handling ANY chicks prior to purchase
Chicks MUST be placed in the main area of the car, NEVER in the boot.
PLEASE remember - chicks need a heated brooder or a suitable broody hen for about 6 weeks.
We will enquire about your set up to ensure its adequate.
You can purchase feed from us.
We are unable to accept any returns on chicks.
Head across to our online shop for our birchwood brooder box range.
Cream Legbar Import line pullets $60 each
Cream Legbar Australian line pullets $50 each
Wheaten Marans $25 each unsexed
Andalusian (blue, black & splash) $25 each unsexed
Double Laced Barnevelder $25 each unsexed
Exchequer Leghorn $25 each unsexed
Coloured egg standard rainbow range $20 each unsexed
Coloured egg mini rainbow range $20 each unsexed
Olive egg standard rainbow range $20 each unsexed
Pink egg standard rainbow range $20 each unsexed