View the roosters that we currently have available for purchase
N/B - We are not able to accept any birds onsite due to the Avian Influenza situation.
Roosters & Cockerels
Cream Legbar $80 - $100
Wheaten Marans $80
Andalusian $50
Double Lace Barnevelder $50
Pekin bantam $50
Rainbow range (mini & standard) $20
*all subject to availability*
Collection is from our Narre Warren North farm.
Pick up only - No transport companies. No holds.
All birds in the photos are our birds, but not all the available birds are photographed.
All birds will come wormed/mite treated so you wont need to do this.
All birds are fed on Green Valley grains feed,.
We will have boxes for you here for them to travel home in
Birds must ride in the main area of the car and never in an enclosed boot.
We have received a few messages recently about rehoming roosters and cockerels. Yes we did have this as an option but due to the current situation with Avian Influenza, we have put a pause on it.
Yes, I know this is unexpected and unfortunate, but we are not able to accommodate outside birds at this stage as we take biosecurity very seriously and must keep our own birds safe.
When and if, we are able to reopen this program- there’s particular criteria to meet ;
Criteria - We will take back any rooster or cockerel which was originally purchased by you, from us as a chick from our pure breed ranges, or just for fun rainbow ranges of unsexed chicks. (not from eggs that you have hatched out as we have to cap it somewhere).
We do not take any birds that were not originally from us.
We do not take back any birds who were sold by another party, even if they are our lines. (example - we have some people who purchase bulk lots of chicks from us at day old, then choose to on-sell some - we do not take these back.)
All birds must be healthy, well fed and show no signs of illness and must be in a sanitary state.
We will not accept any sick or injured birds.
Birds must be over 4 months old.
All returns must be by prior appointment, within our opening hours so we can have the required biosecurity measures in place to accept them.
Its also important to let us know how many you are bringing back as we need to have pens ready for them.
What to we do from there? - Each bird is allocated his own pen, where he will remain in quarantine for a minimum of 8 weeks.
All birds are wormed on arrival and treated for mites/lice.
All birds are cared for and attended to daily as per our strict bio-security procedures.
Once the 8 weeks is over, each bird is available for re-homing and will be integrated in to a 'rooster only pen' until he finds a home.
The cost - Each bird returned incurs a $30 return fee, which goes towards a portion of their care whilst they are here.
This is not a free service