When visiting our farm, we ask that you kindly adhere to our biosecurity measures. This is always important, but more so now that avian influenza has been detected in Victoria again.
Please do not bring any used pet carriers (even if you have washed them) or bedding in boxes - we have boxes and bedding for you to take your new birds home in.
Please refrain from handling any birds prior to purchase - I know they are cute and it’s tempting, but wait till you get home to touch them. We will show them to you so you can choose.
If your choosing eggs, please don’t pick them up , your welcome to ask us to pick them up so you can choose your favourite colours.
Please don’t wander into other areas of our farm - we are a working farm and have other livestock.
Please don’t just turn up out of hours - we’re more than happy to open by pre arranged appointments if you can’t make it during opening hours.
Please refrain from visiting if you have any sick birds at home, have been around anyone’s else’s sick birds or have been in an avian influenza quarantine area.
And lastly, if you have dogs in your car, please keep them in there - they are not allowed to come out for a run.
This will all go towards helping us maintain a disease free property and help keep our birds and animals as healthy as possible.
Vaccinating chicks against coccidiosis is a critical step in poultry health management, which is why all of our chicks are now vaccinated against it which means there’s a few things you need to know.
Coccidiosis is caused by protozoan parasites of the genus Eimeria, which can damage the intestinal lining, leading to poor growth, reduced feed efficiency, and often mortality. It’s one of the most common reasons chicks die and is especially prevalent in humid and damp conditions. It can spread fast and damage chicks for life if you catch it quick enough to save them.
The vaccine stimulates the chicks immune system to develop resistance to Eimeria species. This provides long term protection, eliminating the need for anticoccidial drugs in feed.
It’s important to not feed chicks medicated feed when they have been vaccinated against coccsidiosis as it will interfere with the vaccine’s effectiveness.
For feed, the Green Valley Grains range is perfect and we have both the starter/grower mash and starter crumble in stock at our farm shop. It also has the added benefit of ProN8ure which is a multi strain probiotic, which further supports their immune systems and inner health.
For all other vaccines, information or administration, please contact your vet
By choosing Chloe’s, you can rest assured that the welfare of our birds is paramount.
We pride ourselves on a very professional set up, including custom built large steel frame pens with ample run space.
Not only are our birds are safe from predators but they are also safe from the stress of predators, both on the ground and overhead.
Our pens are all fully roofed in both iron and galvanised mesh, and the floors have a dug in mesh barrier.
There’s a cozy, yet well ventilated covered section at the rear of the pen and a bright open mesh sided area at the front.
Our birds are checked a number of times a day and have a constant supply of fresh, clean water and premium feed.
Each pen even has its own custom built swing for the birds to enjoy. In extreme weather conditions, our birds are kept as comfortable as possible. During the heat of Summer, iced water is provided, as well as fruity ice treats and the deep mulch is wet down.
There is also plenty of shade and shelter to protect them from the elements. They are all free to scratch around, dust bathe, lay in the sun and enjoy life in a happy, low stress, comfortable environment.